The secret of the psalms pdf
The secret of the psalms pdf

the secret of the psalms pdf the secret of the psalms pdf

"Secrets of the Psalms" is by no means the only compilation ofEuropean magic that crossed the colour line in America. "The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses"(as well as "The Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses") arecompilations of mediveal European and Middle-Eastern magicattributed to the author of the first five books of the Bible.Along with "de 91 Psalms of David" (Godfrey Selig's"Secrets of the Psalms") they were - and are - the stock-in-trade of the many mail-order spiritual supply companies that haveserved the hoodoo market from the 1920s to the present. Yo' realize de Hebrew language - some of dat'sin de 'Six' and Seven' Books of Moses' and den de balance is de 91 Psalms of David." 1534, a Louisiana-born black conjure doctor fromMemphis, Tennessee, tells Hyatt that in order to perform acertain rite to regain a lost lover for a client, "Yo'd have totalk Hebrew-like. In Harry Middleton Hyatt's 5 volumecompilation of hoodoo spells, collected from 1600practitioners in the South during the 1930s, several informantsname specific books on European folklore and Kabbalistic magicthat they have found valuable in hoodoo work. The usualquestion one hears when one mentions the Kabbalah and hoodoo in thesame sentence - and which must be disposed of immediately - issome variant on, "How could African-American slaves or theirdescendents have access to esoteric European tracts andgrimoires?" The answer is stunningly simple: they bought them bymail order and read them. Of the many traditions that enter into hoodoo folk-magic, one of theleast-understood is Jewish mysticism, particularlythat which comes out of the medival Kabbalist tradition of beliefin the magical efficacy of the words of scripture. SECRETS OF THE PSALMS The Kabbalist Influence on Hoodoo Manufacturers and Distributors of Hoodoo and Conjure Supplies: Oils, Powders, Incense, Baths, Washes, Herbs, Resins, Colognes, Roots, Minerals, Curios, Books, Candles, Statuary, and Amulets. 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, California 95436Įmail: 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by catherine yronwode "Secrets of the Psalms": The Kabbalist Influence on Hoodoo

The secret of the psalms pdf